Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Inspire kids to save our oceans - my new personalized children's book is out

After my first personalized children's book, The Tree of Life, has been so well received by parents and children alike all over the world, I decided to dedicate myself to another personalized and inspiring children's book. For months I wondered what message could be inspiring and relevant to kids and find a topic that hasn't been covered yet.
As a diver, writer and mother I found it heartbreaking to see how polluted our oceans have become and how few of our global coral reefs, who play an essential role for life on earth and us humans are still alive. (I can recommend the movie “Chasing Corals” for learning more about this matter)

I wondered what to do and decided to educate our kids, our future generation, about what they can do to protect our oceans from plastic and live mindfully with nature -  not in a daunting and threatening but in an empowering way!

This is why I just launched "The Ocean Adventure", an inspiring and personalized children's book which takes children on a journey to experience the richness of the sea and its creatures while playfully teaching them how they can help to keep the ocean wonderful and abundant. Vibrant watercolor illustrations by my friend Christina Snuggs make the story even more magical. Like our last personalized book “The Tree of Life”, this book is also a premium-hardcover with sturdy pages for little hands and is printed sustainably in Germany! We also donate part of the proceeds to CRF, a wonderful non-profit organization that is dedicated to restoring coral reefs to a healthy state!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

One book one child initiative launched - my new children's book is out

Dear readers, 

happy to announce to you that after months of writing, then editing and illustrating my new children's book finally launched

It's a personalized book - with your child being the main character in the book. You can personalize the name and look. And the best thing: with every book you buy, we donate one book to children in need. 

What is it about? 

Imagine you go to sleep and have a wonderful dream that changes your life! 

You wake up in a magical forest with trees as colorful and vivid as you have never seen before. You meet a friendly bear called Naby. He shows you the most special thing you could dream of: your very own tree of life. The bear teaches you that your tree grows together with you - all through your life. Then more colorful, wild and brave your life is, the bigger and stronger your own tree will grow. But the adventure is not over yet! Follow Naby through the Forest of Life and get inspired!

The first personalized batch closed already - we have been overwhelmed with orders. But you can pre-order now for shipping in February 2017. Order your personalized copy here

The book is suitable for kids ages 0 - 8 - see how kids enjoy it: http://bit.ly/2gfiZG9

Monday, September 12, 2016

San Francisco will always be in my heart

Dear reader,

you might have noticed that I didn't write for quite some time. Of course, I shouldn't really have an excuse for not updating you regularly anymore.

At least, let me try to come up with one: I have left San Francisco for good some time ago. But the problem was actually like Walter Cronkite put it: "Leaving San Francisco is like saying goodbye to an old sweetheart. You want to linger as long as possible."

It wasn't possible for me to linger that long as I had to go back to Europe for family reasons. But San Francisco stayed with me just like an 'old sweetheart' can. I tried to forget it. I tried to fall in love with someone else (another city). I tried to not have all the wonderful San Francisco memories come up. I tried to push all emotions off and start new in another city.

But it wasn't that easy. And even now: about 2 years after having left San Francisco I still think about San Francisco and its still my favorite city in the world. Maybe I come back one day?

I tell you, if you have the chance to spend some weeks, months or even your whole life in San Francisco, than you should really value it ... for all the different reasons you might have.

But if you want to know why I love(d) San Francisco soo much, here are my top reasons:
  • the magical sun light of California which is warm and golden and beautiful 
  • the mindset of people living in the city. There really isn't another place where people try to make moves as bold as in San Francisco. YOU CAN DO IT. 
  • the walkability of the city. It's not like the standard American city where you have to drive everywhere
  • you always feel close to nature. I used to live in Nob Hill and I was able to see the ocean every day. It was the most beautiful gift your eyes could get every day... 
  • the one and only GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE. If you actually live in San Francisco you don't value that you live next to one of the most impressive landmarks in the world....but if you move to a city which doesn't have such superlatives, I promise you, you will miss the GGB instantly 
  • the magic of the city arising from all its stories: literates in North Beach, Hippies in Haight Ashbury, internet pirates in SOMA ... 
  • the fact that you are almost surrounded by ocean ...at least on 3 sides. 
  • the European feeling of Little Italy and Nob Hill mixed with the latin American influence of the Mission and the Asian flair of Chinatown 
  • I connected with many super smart and inspiring people and I truly believe that there are few cities in the world which have as much driven, innovative and inspiring people on such small space
  • the fact that San Francisco feels slightly dangerous (at least to a German :)) : much higher crime rate than in Munich and the constant fear of the BIG ONE (earth quake) saying hello one day. I guess it makes you value each day going by smoothly and nice just a little bit more  

Why do you love San Francisco?
With love,

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

'How to love San Francisco' is available on Amazon for free for limited amount of time

Dear readers.

we launched a couple of days ago and wanted to make you a little present: therefore 'How to love San Francisco' is free for you to download until 11th of July on Amazon here:


Grab your copy today and leave a review if you liked it!

Afterwards book price will increase to 5.48USD.

Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Lots of love,


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Good news - official publishing date for "How to love San Francisco" is coming up!

After we successfully raised the funds to bring "How to love San Francisco - One year in the City by the Bay" to English-speaking markets with Indiegogo, we are happy to announce that official publishing date is coming up in a couple of days, on June 23rd 2015!

Long months of work are finally over. We have been busy with translation, final edits and getting it ready for official publishing in the last 12 months - now we couldn't be any happier to soon bring our San Francisco travel novel in front of your eyes.

The book will be available through Amazon - both as a digital and print copy. If you can't wait to read it, drop me a note  (Johannalehmannbooks@gmail.com) and I will send you a digital copy for review! 

Want to know what is it about?  It's a travel guide wrapped in a love story

This book is a marriage of a novel and a travel guide, like a Lonely Planet with a love story. A story 
taking place in San Francisco and following the story of Hanni, a girl crossing both oceans and cultures to live her dream in The City That Knows How. 

This book is written for everybody -- either local or a visitor -- who wishes to learn about the life, 
culture, and the ins and outs of San Francisco and be entertained with the story of Hanni. 

The German language version of “How to Love San Francisco” has already been: 

• A top 3 position seller on Amazon Germany 

• A semi finalist at the Tuscon Festival of Books 

• Top 3 position at the Continuing Studies of Wisconsin 

• Top 50 non-fiction author at Lovely Books

Lots of love from Munich,

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

We did it! Now there's less than 24 hours for the final stretch goal...

Ok, this is it guys. Thank you all so very much for your support!

Now, we're into our last 24 hours. For those of you who haven't heard, we both made our goal AND we're setting one final stretch goal. If we make this, you ALL get something! Take a look at this video and see for yourself:

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Enjoy a taste of the book today - watch it or read the first chapter of 'How to love San Francisco - One year in the City by the Bay!

Dear Readers,

we hope you are enjoying the long weekend and maybe even explore new parts of San Francisco! We are now half-way through the campaign and want to say 'Thank you very much' for your previous support!!

Please share the news about the book with your friends and spread the word - it means the world to us!! Just click one (or both!) of the buttons below to make a real difference in just moments!

Now you can even provide your friends with a reading from the book. And if you yourself didn't have the chance to listen in to the story, go ahead! The long weekend is a great chance to do so. You can find the link to the first chapter here. You prefer a shorter version? Just click the video below and watch Johanna reading from the book!


Have a wonderful weekend!

Johanna and the campaign team