Maybe you are visiting San Francisco for the first time or are a long-standing San Francisco addict. Are you longing to travel through the city - just in your mind while chilling at home on your couch or with both of your feet on the ground strolling the streets of San Francisco.
Originally from Germany, I moved to the city in early 2010 and felt like Mary Ann in Armistaed Maupin's "Tales of the City". The city and I had a rough start and it took me some months to adapt to it FogCity - but here I am some years later loving the cities as I have always lived here.
I was reading books on the city like crazy - but I never discovered a format giving me both insights and historical information on the city as well as allowing me to travel through the city along with a character. I figured that you might be looking for the same and this is how the book "How to love San Francisco" evolved.
So, here is my story:
My name is Johanna Lehmann. I published my European debut with the artist name Hanni Bayers. Born in Berlin, the creative hub of Germany and the formerly divided city, I started to write as soon as I could hold a pen in my hand - family and friends being the grateful recipients of my early attempts as a writer. I always wanted to become a writer, but I was told: "If you want to tell stories and perfect the craft of writing you have to write, read and travel a lot."
On my 25th birthday I decided that it was time to switch to author life. At that point I had finished my business education at INSEAD and Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and worked for a few years all over the world. I took classes in „Creative Writing“ at Stanford University and wrote my debut "Ein Jahr in San Francisco" (One Year in San Francisco) in collaboration with German publishing house Herder.

I would love to hear from you. It might take a while for me to get back but I am reading every single email.
For questions and comments please email to johannalehmannbooks@gmail.com
While waiting for my reply, enjoy some San Francisco travel tips and videos here.